Wednesday 4 May 2011

Mark gave his £1,000 to...

Year 2 of the big Open money giveaway. I thought I'd be really clever this year and write to a selection of charities, ask what they would do with £1,000 and give the money to the charity that gave the best answer (yes I know... a smart arse approach).

However, a couple of things happened which suddenly made my charitable decisions feel so much more important.

First I learned that someone very close to me was going have still born twins at 28 weeks. Barnaby and Ellis were born on my birthday and we attended their funeral last week. One of the saddest moments of my life.

Then I was told about a group of girls and boys who were waiting for therapy from Action for Children specialists after being raped or molested by members of their own family. The centre that wanted to help them had put a request on My Action for Children.

I finally thought about my son's childminder. She has a son who has Crohn's disease. He's only twelve and I know he's having a rubbish time because of it.

So, my donations went to the following lovely organisations:

Sands (Stillbirth & neonatal death charity)

My Action for Children

Crohn's and Colitis UK


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