Tuesday 10 August 2010

Some random thoughts on interviews and designers

Last week proved to be an exceptionally busy one here, not least due to an emergency appeal for Christian Aid and street activity for British Red Cross in response to the Pakistan floods. As well these though, we were interviewing designers and design interns. A strange situation for me to be in, as not so long ago ago it was me being interviewed.

Anyway, having met 6 potential co-workers and sifting through 188 (yes, I did just count them) emails full of CVs and portfolios here are some random observations:

1. There are a LOT of designers looking for work – some very good, a lot not.

2. If you want to work for a company, please spell their name correctly.

3. In fact, spell check your whole email. And do write an email. 'Hi, here's some work' doesn't really convey your enthusiasm.

4. As much as I would have liked to, it's impossible to reply to everyone individually. There are just not enough hours in the day.

5. NOBODY has any direct mail in their portfolios. (This wasn't a surprise.)

6. Do make sure your work is in some way relevant to what we do though. I saw a lot of VERY nice illustrations, but we're all about raising money here!

Hm, that all sounds a little negative... it wasn't meant to!

I know nobody ever leaves comments on here, but if anyone has anything interesting to share/add/argue about interviews or whatever, do feel free to post them (not you mum)!


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