Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Facebook shop

Following the announcement that Asos will have their entire shop up on Facebook by the end of the month, I started wondering whether charities could use this technology to increase donations.

Most, if not all, charities have some presence on Facebook already. Some better than others, but nevertheless, they're there. The quickest, least-scientific flick through these pages shows that less than quarter have any sort of donate functionality (a crime in itself). Those that do always take you somewhere else to give.

There's nothing more annoying (and more likely to make you close your browser) than clicking a link and being taken to a third party website. So if the technology exists to run a shop through Facebook, this simple step should be every charity's first move.

Moving entire 'ethical giving' products over would be a sensible second step. Not least, as the fulfillment part of the process could happen almost exclusively online. Happy Birthday friend #237, I bought you five chickens, here's a link, and a photo on your wall and everyone can see what a nice person I am. Fulfillment cost £0. Public show of niceness 100%.

Hmm, we should probably call some clients right about now...


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