Thursday, 28 October 2010

Someone needs shooting...

Either it's me, because this Facebook ad is well targeted, or it's the person who did the targeting.

Either way, I feel a bit depressed.


Tuesday, 26 October 2010

And another thing...

Every now and then, someone scribbles on some copy that you can't start a sentence with a conjunction. Apparently, it contravenes the age-old rules of grammar.

Well so does the word of God. So there.

This wonderful nugget comes courtesy of Mr George Smith. If you have anything at all to do with writing to people to ask for money then you should buy his little book. And his big book.


Thursday, 21 October 2010

Breaking down the wall...

We're not actually closed, but with James and Tim out of the country, the builders are in knocking through to next door and our new creative studio.

It's all a bit dusty at the moment, but it'll be worth it when we have our new drum kit and account-team-sensitive trapdoor...


Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Hello Amsterdam...

We're off the IFC in Amsterdam to see the cutting edge of fundraising. Or, to be more precise, we're off to somewhere that is to Amsterdam what Luton is to London to see what the cutting edge of fundraising was last year when people had to apply to talk about it.

As well as worshiping at the feet of the Elischer, we'll be doing a couple of quick talks about our WWF Tiger thing at the SOFII workshops and, I hope, getting in some nice long runs along the beach.

Anyway, in the unlikely event that you are here looking for more information about Open, can I recommend that you don't bother visiting our frankly embarrassing website and instead call me on +44 7768 398482. Or, better still, call Tim on +44 7967 373174 – he's much more charming than I am.

Then we can buy you a drink and say hello.


Join our movement, else we'll blow you up...

Crazy advert from 10:10. Nothing like a convincing argument to get people to do something, eh...

Might have to try that one. Letter bomb in a reminder letter? Anthrax in a £1 pack? Maybe not.

UPDATE>>> 10:10 apologise for REALLY BAD video, although it might be a little too late as Sony distance themselves from campaign. Woops.


Thursday, 14 October 2010

Hands up for Burma

Here is an interesting campaign idea from Amnesty International, especially since our Christmas appeal for Christian Aid – on a very similar subject – is winging its way to the printers as we speak.

With 2,200 political prisoners in Burma, and thousands more exiled to the Thai-Burma border, AI are collecting 5,000 photos for their petition. All the photos will be collected and taken to the summit meeting of political leaders from South East Asia in Viet Nam at the end of October – the Association of South East Asian nations summit (ASEAN).

What's interesting about it though, is the writing of one prisoner's name on your hand. We've been talking a lot lately at Open about giving donors the choice of where their money goes. This petition allows you to physically pick out and align yourself to one real person, creating, not so much a sense of ownership, but certainly a strong bond and sense of responsibility.

At a time when signing an online petition can be super-quick, yet super-impersonal, this is a real nice piece of supporter engagement in action. You can watch the video to accompany the campaign at the end of this post, after some photos of Open standing with the people of Burma.

Tim stands in solidarity with Khun Dee De

Tom stands in solidarity with Zarganar

Hannah stands in solidarity with Khun Bedu

Richard stands in solidarity with Su Su Nway

Folake stands in solidarity with Mie Mie

Caty stands in solidarity with Htay Kywe

Sinead stands in solidarity with Zaw Htet Ko Ko

James stands in solidarity with Khun Kawrio

Freedom In Your Hands from Amnesty International on Vimeo.


Thursday, 7 October 2010

Samaritans are on the phone...

...this very minute. What good fortune I am still at work for some live blogging.

They are very grateful for my donation of £250 back in April (thanks Tim and James).

He's now talking a lot about something they're doing with schools... thankfully his voice is quite boring so I can type whilst half-listening...

I can feel an ask coming on...

He's still grateful for my previous donation, and... £12 a month please!

Oo, he takes rejection well, but he isn't defeated yet - £4 a month, maybe, Mr Young?

Sorry Samaritans, but thanks for the call anyway - made me feel very wanted, and much richer than I actually am! Oh, the life of a mid-value donor...


Monday, 4 October 2010

Nice Round Numbers...

After a few Pakistan-related wobbles here at Open, we were very pleased to hear that one of our emergency appeals has absolutely obliterated its target and hit a cool million in donations – as well as providing a major shot in the arm for a climate campaign. Hurrah.
