A very, very interesting blog post at Harvard Business Review about the effects of opt-out opportunities on subsequent giving and what this says about donor motivation.
At Christmas, we worked with WWF on their most successful appeal ever – to help save the tiger. As part of the appeal, we asked donors to write messages of support to the rangers who work in the field. And here are a few of the many thousands that came back.
Our Paypal/Oxfam Haiti appeal, meanwhile, looks like hitting seven figures. And we hit the streets yesterday with an appeal for British Red Cross. Fingers crossed.
Open was set up to bring the right people together to change the world. So it seemed pretty obvious to hook up a company that makes it easy for over ten million of of us to transfer money with an organisation that needs a load of money in Haiti right now.
If you haven't had one of these rather functional but highly effective emails from PayPal already then we're a bit surprised. But you can give here anyway.