Tuesday 6 January 2009

To all you web 2 type people...


Please, please, please tell me how on earth you find time to live on planet web. The anxiety that built up within my sensitive soul this Christmas almost sent me over the edge.

When would I find the time to update my Facebook status? And what of any interest would I have to say? Don't even get me started on this bloody blog.

So desperate was I to share my 'oh so exciting life' that I even attempted to climb the Great Orme. Wouldn't that be the best?

"Tim is on top of the world' or more accurately "Tim is carrying three furious kids home". No reception. Damn.

Eventually, at long last I found a few spare minutes. Very, very surreptitiously I sneaked my phone out of my pocket, sitting in the car, with Nicki speeding down the M1, and the millionth Peppa Pig episode on loop in the back, I loaded up Facebook. Now was my time.

But then it happened. My mind went blank. I got world-wide stage fright. I HAD NOTHING TO SAY.

I turned to Nicki, looked at the speedometer and then inspiration hit me. Hallelujah "Tim is going fast".

Happy New Year all you crazy web 2 type people.

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